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Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Not about the Holy Father

as far as I know. Rather a happy report: my temperamental laptop emerged from one of its periodical comas yesterday, for long enough to extract some important stuff that hadn't been backed up (I know, I know - another copy of the document was on the magic USB-port widget, but the hard disk copy had acquired a vital addition to a footnote...) - after praying over it the collect for the time of cattle plague. Which makes sense when you read it. Now had better 'phone up computer folk and tell them they can wipe the hard drive if they must, while performing their surgery...
Deus, qui laboribus hominum, etiam de mutis animalibus solatia subrogasti: supplices te rogamus; ut, sine quibus non alitur humana conditio, nostris facias usibus non perire. Per Dominum...

O God, who even by means of dumb animals dost lessen the toil of man, we most humbly beseech Thee, suffer us not to lack the use of these creatures, without which we must cease to be. Through our Lord...

Thanks to EJ for pointing out that it is applicable to creatures other than cattle, and thanks above all to God for saving me again from my folly (which would be an impossible task if He were not He).