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Wednesday, January 24, 2007


A few years ago someone gave me these prayers which were supposedly composed by St Bridget of Sweden. Allegedly if you pray them every day for twenty years then your four closest relatives will be saved. Now there is a lot of nonsense and superstition knocking around about infallibly efficacious prayers, and there seems to be a factory somewhere that churns out devotions falsely attributed to St Bridget of Sweden. As we all know only the seven sacraments are infallibly efficacious and certain sacramentals (like priestly blessings) are quasi ex opere operato efficacious through the intercession of the whole Church. Nevertheless, they are very nice prayers, it is good way of praying for one's family every day and it doesn't really matter if St Bridget wrote them or not.

Prayer in Honour of the Seven Sorrows of Christ

O Jesus, I offer you this prayer for the glory of your most holy sorrows. Let your love pray within me. Take up my prayer into your Divine Heart, make it holy and perfect. May it cause as much glory and joy to the All Holy Trinity, as the prayer that you - the Incarnate Word -– addressed to the Father. May the glory overflow to your holy humanity, your wounds and the precious blood, which you have shed from them.

1. The Circumcision

Our Father..., Hail Mary..., Glory be to the Father...…
Eternal Father, through the immaculate hands of Mary and the Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer you these first wounds. Accept the blood, which your Son has shed when he was still a child. Let it atone for our early sins and protect all children and youth from the first mortal sin.

2. The Agony in the garden

Our Father..., Hail Mary..., Glory be to the Father...…
Eternal Father, through the immaculate hands of Mary and the Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer you Jesus suffering on the Mount of Olives. Accept the agony of his soul and every drop of blood in atonement for our sins against love of God and neighbour. Transform our hearts according to your model and let your divine love burn within them.

3. The Scourging at the pillar

Our Father..., Hail Mary..., Glory be to the Father...…
Eternal Father, through the immaculate hands of Mary and the Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer you the torments of your Son's scourging. Accept the countless wounds and the precious blood, which was shed thereby, in atonement for our sins against chastity. Grant us purity in our thoughts, words and deeds.

4. The Crowning with thorns

Our Father..., Hail Mary..., Glory be to the Father...…
Eternal Father, through the immaculate hands of Mary and the Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer you Jesus's crowning with thorns. For the sake of his pain and the precious blood of his head, forgive us the sins of our spirit. Let us humbly accept your will, so that Christ may reign as king among men.

5. The Carrying of the Cross

Our Father..., Hail Mary..., Glory be to the Father...…
Eternal Father, through the immaculate hands of Mary and the Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer you Jesus's suffering on the way of the Cross. Accept the blood He shed when carrying the Cross - especially the blood of His shoulder - in atonement for our rebellion against the cross and the sins of our tongue. Make us ready to follow your commands with patience and grant us the grace to persevere.

6. The Crucifixion

Our Father..., Hail Mary..., Glory be to the Father...…
Eternal Father, through the immaculate hands of Mary and the Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer you your Son's death on the Cross. Accept his being nailed and lifted up on the Cross, the wounds in His hands and His feet and the three rivers of his holy blood, which flowed thence. Accept as a sacrifice his utmost poverty and his perfect obedience. May Jesus's precious death on the Cross and its unbloody renewal in all Holy Masses on earth atone for our sins. Forgive all transgressions against monastic vows and rules. Assist the sick and the dying. Grant us saintly priests and lay people. We pray for the intentions of the Holy Father, for Christian families and fortitude in the faith. May our country, all nations and especially the Jews in the Diaspora find their home in Christ and His Church.

7. The Piercing of the side

Our Father..., Hail Mary..., Glory be to the Father...…
Eternal Father, through the immaculate hands of Mary and the Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer you the precious blood and water, which flowed from the wound of Jesus's’ Divine Heart, for the edification of the Holy Church and in atonement for the sins of all people. Grant us your grace and mercy. Blood of Christ, last and precious content of His Sacred Heart, purify me from all guilt. Water of Christ's side, free me from all debt of punishment and quench the flames of Purgatory for me and all poor souls therein.

Soul of my Saviour, sanctify my breast,
Body of Christ, be Thou my saving guest,
Blood of my Saviour, wash me in Thy tide,
Cleanse me with the water, flowing from Thy side,

Strength and protection may Thy Passion be,
Oh blessed Jesus, hear and answer me,
Deep in Thy wounds, Lord, hide and shelter me,
So that I may never, never part from Thee.

Guard and defend me from the foe malign,
In death'’s dread moment make me only Thine,
Call me and bid me come to Thee on high,
Where I may praise Thee with Thy Saints for aye.
