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Friday, October 29, 2004

Letter to 'Numptorium' reaches Holyrood

The Scotsman. You need to log in.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

David Martin MEP and the thought police

In reply to my letter asking what the Scottish Labour MEPs were doing to
protest the mob hysteria over the appointment of Dr Buttiglione:

Thank you for your e-mail concerning Rocco Buttiglione and his comments on
homosexuality and the role of women in the family, which are totally
unacceptable. Unfortunately the European Parliament do not have the power
reject individual European Commissioners otherwise the Socialist Group
be leading the movement for his complete rejection. However, at the very
least he should have these sensitive portfolios removed from his control
we are campaigning and voting for that position as a minimum.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Two amusingnesses

First the story itself: Luther coming up with his theory (which, let us face it, is a bad start to any religion wherever it happens) on the bog. Found on Otto da Fe.

Secondly, the journalist's apparent belief that before Luther's "earthy" Christianity people thought that the soul was created by God but the body . . what?

Given the place of origin of this New Way, I can think of a bettter adjective than earthy, but those who are not fastidious will work it out for themselves.

Jew-loving Commie nuncio.

New York Times Praises Pius XII: Christmas 1941, 1942

On Christmas Day, 1941, the New York Times, commenting on Pius XII’s Christmas Message, carried the following editorial:

The Pope’s Message

The voice of Pius XII is a lonely voice in the silence and darkness enveloping Europe this Christmas. The Pope reiterates what he has said before. In general, he repeats, although with greater definiteness, the five-point plan for peace which he first enunciated in his Christmas message after the war broke out in 1939. His program agrees in fundamentals with the Roosevelt-Churchill eight-point declaration. It calls for respect for treaties and the end of the possibility of aggression, equal treatment for minorities, freedom from religious persecution. It goes farther than the Atlantic Charter in advocating an end of all national monopolies of economic wealth, and so far as the eight points, which demands complete disarmament for Germany pending some future limitation of arms for all nations.
The Pontiff emphasized principles of international morality with which most men of good-will agree. He uttered the ideas a spiritual leader would be expected to express in time of war. Yet his words sound strange and bold in the Europe of today, and we comprehend the complete submergence and enslavement of great nations, the very sources of our civilization, as we realize that he is about the only ruler left o the Continent of Europe who dares to raise his voice at all. The last tiny islands of neutrality are so hemmed in and overshadowed by war and fear that no one but the Pope is still able to speak aloud in the name of the Prince of Peace. This is indeed a measure of the "moral devastation" he describes as the accompaniment of physical ruin and inconceivable human suffering.
In calling for a "real new order" based on "liberty, justice and love," to be attained only by a "return to social and international principles capable of creating a barrier against the abuse of liberty and the abuse of power," the Pope put himself squarely against Hitlerism. Recognizing that there is no road open to agreement between belligerents "whose reciprocal war aims and programs seem to be irreconcilable," he left no doubt that the Nazi aims are also irreconcilable with his own conception of a Christian peace. "The new order which must arise out of this war," he asserted, "must be based on principles." And that implies only one end to the war.

On Christmas Day, 1942, the Times once again editorialized on the papal Christmas Message and again praised Pius XII for his moral leadership:

The Pope’s Verdict

No Christmas sermon reaches a larger congregation than the message Pope Pius XII addresses to a war-torn world at this season. This Christmas more than ever he is a lonely voice crying out of the silence of a continent. The Pulpit whence he speaks is more than ever like the Rock on which the Church was founded, a tiny island lashed and surrounded by a sea of war. In these circumstances, in any circumstances, indeed, no one would expect the Pope to speak as a political leader, or a war leader, or in any other role than that of a preacher ordained to stand above the battle, tied impartially, as he says, to all people and willing to collaborate in any new order which will bring a just peace.
But just because the Pope speaks to and in some sense for all the peoples at war, the clear stand he takes on the fundamental issues of the conflict has greater weight and authority. When a leader bound impartially to nations on both sides condemns as heresy the new form of national state which subordinates everything to itself: when he declares that whoever wants peace must protect against "arbitrary attacks" the "juridical safety of individuals:" when he assails violent occupation of territory, the exile and persecution of human beings for no reason other than race or political opinion: when he says that people must fight for a just and decent peace, a "total peace" — the "impartial judgment" is like a verdict in a high court of justice.
Pope Pius expresses as passionately as any leader on our side the war aims of the struggle for freedom when he says that those who aim at building a new world must fight for free choice of government and religious order. They must refuse that the state should make of individuals a herd of whom the state disposes as if they were a lifeless thing.
[I found these here.]

Friday, October 22, 2004

Eradicating scandal

If you haven't yet read about the test case against John Kerry raised by an American canon lawyer, go here now.

And here is a satisfyingly straightforward, cogent, concise and still thorough answer to questions touching the basis for the case.

Then sign up to the class action whajimahcallit.

Saturday, October 16, 2004


If you have been in Italy you will know what this word that I have just invented means. Sooooooooo tedious.

Friday, October 15, 2004

To draw with a footballingly insignificant country like . . .

. .. Scotland. Yes, first the Faroe Islands, now Moldova. I thought they were supposed to be playing Transdniestr, which would have been even more humiliating I suppose.

The Scotsman.

Totalitarianism in the European Parliament

Socialists, Greens and Liberals rejects Italian Commissioner designate for his stand on pro-life and pro-family issues.

On Tuesday October 5th 2004, MEPs from the Liberal, the Green and Socialist parties blocked the appointment of Professor Buttiglione as EU Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security. Despite two days of public hearings and various attempts at mediation they have failed to agree to any compromise. Normal protocol demands that the issue should go to the President for a

Today, however, the President of the European Parliament, Mr. Josep Borrell (Spanish Socialist) exceeded his mandate by taking position against Professor Buttiglione's candidacy by making a public statement. He stated that "I don't think that at this moment in time we can have such people in charge of justice, especially justice" because of the pro-life and moral convictions of the candidate. The EP-Presidents impartiality is therefore in question.

The objections to Professor Buttiglione appear to be based on spurious allegations made by ILGA (the International Lesbian and Gay Association). The major charge being levelled against him is that he espouses the protection of life from conception to natural death, promotes the family and shares the Catholic view that homosexuality is a sin. ILGA has repeatedly attacked Prof. Buttiglione's moral convictions. ILGA, however, is well-known to have a history of advocating not only gay rights but it was refused consultative status at the UN because of its history of association with paedophile groups. ILGA, which represents a minority opinion, is determined to block the appointment of Prof. Buttiglione.

(from Euro-Fam)

Saturday, October 09, 2004


Well, looks like the Swiss priest got it right. Except for the bit about Krenn being made to resign for health reasons *after* the visitation was completed, and indeed strenuously denying health grounds for the resignation.

Here is the article again.

And here is Kung taking over the diocese of St Polten.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Friends and their heresies

Masonic entrist conspiracy

The retired Archbishop of Salzburg believes it too!

"Die Freimaurerei ist seit dem II. Vatikanum auch tief in die Kirche eingedrungen und hat viel Terrain erobert (z.B. im Bereich der Liturgie)."

"Freemasonry has penetrated deeply into the Church since Vatican II and has seized much territory (for example in the area of liturgy)."

The whole commentary at kath.net: "Et portae inferi non praevalebunt eam": go and read it, so that the poor chap is not considered a lunatic on the basis of one tiny citation taken out of context.